ALA's TechSource Gaming, Learning, and Libraries Symposium - happening now! (July 2007)
NFAIS's User Generated Content and Social Media (June 29, 2007)
BigWig's Social Software Showcase at ALA Annual 2007 (June 2007)
- David Free's Welcome to the Twitterverse- Twitter, part 1
- David Lee King's Twitter, Part 2: "the fluff"
- Iris Jastram's Introducing Meebo Rooms
- Lichen Rancourt's Library 2.SO?: Why it Matters to Libraries
- Michael Porter's Facebook Developer's Platform: Why Libraries Care - introduction to facebook and its uses for libraries
(April 2007) a few examples (much more at the link above):
- Chris DeWeese's Google Maps and You: Including a Google Map on your Website
- Jason Griffey's Go Where the Patrons Are: Outreach In the Age of Library 2.0
- Jay Bhatt's Using RSS to Increase User Awareness of E-resources in Academic Libraries
- Rebecca Hedreen's An Online Research Toolkit - Exploring Web 2.0 for Library Research
- Susan Herzog's Blogging 101
January's OCLC Social Software Symposium Jenny Levine's Notes
Jenny Levine (The Shifted Librarian) is a major voice of Library 2.0 who just joined the ALA in the last year or so. She does a lot of travelling in her current role, and posts her presentation materials here, which is a fabulous resource of great introductory material as well as discussions of new trends. As seen above, she also tends to post notes on her blog when she attends other people's conferences, a very useful resource)
Leigh Estabrook just talked about Clifford Lynch in class - he posts links to his presentations here.
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