Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Social Bookmarking Tools

How much time do you spend online reading websites? Do you have a hard time remembering where you've been or what you read? When you're talking to someone else about a great site you found, do you wish there was a really easy way to share the link? The purpose of these websites is to help you "tag" and "track" websites you'd like to look at later. Some are intended for personal use, others are more suited to formal academic functions. Play around! - see what one library is doing to track links by subject headings here
Furl - also lets you "save a copy" of a webpage in case it disappears later
Diigo lets you not only track & tag websites but post notes and highlight information as you read
Digg ranks news stories based on the users tagging them with their social bookmarking tools
Ma.gnolia emphasizes a "prettier design" and more social functionality
Netvouz offers lots of functionality for users who don't want to go through their website
Connotea & CiteULike are more aimed at academic citation, but could be used informally
StumbledUpon uses a toolbar in your internet browser, but also lets you rank sites and send links to other people

Google & Yahoo toolbars also let you bookmark things easily, but don't have the same social aspects as the websites or tools listed above. I'm sure I've missed at least a few of these services, but this should give you more than a good start. As with most Web 2.0 tools, finding one that suits your needs enough that you'll go back to it again should be your main focus if you try them out, but these can also be useful tools if you just want to see how other people are using the internet.

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